The vision of Remembering Darien is to help innocent victims of violent crimes to heal and rebuild their lives in the aftermath of incomprehensible violence.
Victims of a violent crime are often unable to work, making it impossible to pay rent, student loans or even afford basic necessaries such as groceries. Remembering Darien was formed by Darien’s friends and family to combat this societal shortcoming by raising money to help ease these financial and emotional burdens.
We are committed to advocating for victims and their families, as well as providing emotional support and resources required to help those affected by violent crimes find justice and peace in their healing journey.
Not a day goes by that we don’t feel her absence in the world and the empty space where she should be.
Judy & Wayne Richardson, Darien’s parents
Life Cut Short
Darien Richardson was 25-years old when armed intruders fired several rounds into her bedroom.
One bullet hit her left hand, shredding her thumb. As she tried to roll off her bed, she was shot in her right leg at the knee. That bullet traveled the length of her thigh and lodged in her hip — her world violently turned upside down in an instant. She endured great physical and emotional pain working to recover, spending three days in ICU, 18 days in critical care and had future surgeries scheduled. On February 28, 2010 Darien died from complications of her gunshot wounds.
This is her legacy.
While in the hospital and fighting to recover from her attack, Darien commented on the lack of resources for people who were affected by violent crimes. Remembering Darien was created in her honor.